E-commerce Business

Online Business Strategizer, is a company created to guide and support the development of ecommerce business on the American and Mexican market. We count with more than 25 years
of experience in the practical and theoretical field.

Who are we?

Online Business Strategizer, is a company created to guide and support the development of ecommerce business on the American and Mexican market. We count with more than 25 years of experience in the practical and theoretical field.

Our results show cases of success in operative, functional and strategic subjects with Latin American companies. We understand the challenges and difficulties of the market and the capabilities of creating adaptability in international markets with success through digital commerce platforms (e-commerce).

Abilities and Experience:

Product Development
Logistic Processes
Brand Development

Market Fit

Business Strategies
Business Models

What we do

 •  E-commerce businesses in United States and Mexico
 • More than 25 years of experience on retail
 • More than 10 years of experience on digital platforms of e-commerce
 • Product and category evaluation
 • Product development
 • Logistic processes or brand development

Why be an OBS client?

We count with more than 10 years of experience and success with important Latin-American brands positioned in the market.

We give permanent personalized advisory before, during and after initiating the program. Our organization is 100% customer centric. Our priority is and will always be, the client.

We offer important tools of our own implementation and optimization which will help you understand in and easier way, but most importantly successful in the selling process.


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